2020… Unlock 3.0 Day 22; Struggle leads to Strength… #CoronaVirus #Covid-19

22nd August, 2020; Vaishali, Ghaziabad, UP, India

Once there were two street performers. A poor old acrobat who adopted a young street kid to teach and mentor protege. They performed acrobatic stunts each day on the streets in order to earn enough to eat. Their act consisted of the teacher balancing a tall bamboo pole on his head while the little girl climbed slowly to the top. Once to the top, she remained there while the teacher walked along the ground. Both performers had to maintain complete focus and balance in order to prevent any injury from occurring and to complete the performance. One day, the teacher said to the pupil: ‘Listen little one, I will watch you and you watch me, so that we can help each other maintain concentration and balance and prevent an accident. Then we’ll surely earn enough to eat.’

But the little girl was wiser, she answered, ‘Dear master, I think it would be better for each of us to watch ourself. To look after oneself means to look after both of us. That way I am sure we will avoid any accidents and earn enough to eat.’

Please Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do to take care of others. Do nourish your mind & body you’ll naturally begin to treat those around you with more compassion, love, and kindness and create a more positive impact on the world around you as a whole. It’s a struggle, but it will lead to strength…

📢#CoronaVirusUpdates:📍 #COVID19 India Tracker (As on 22 August, 2020, 08:00 AM)

▶️ Confirmed cases: 29,75,701
▶️ Recovered: 22,22,577 (74.7%) 👍
▶️ Active cases: 6,97,330 (23.4%)
▶️ Deaths: 54,749 (1.9%)

Worldwide it’s 22.9 million confirmed cases; 799,845 casualties; 14.7 million recoveries so far…

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